Soul Mama Vision
I see a world where Motherhood is celebrated, supported and honoured.
Where we don’t have to struggle through conception, pregnancy and postpartum, alone in silence but have the loving support of sisterhood.
Where we trust and honour our bodies as the sacred miracles they are and not let them be storehouses for shame, guilt, trauma, regret and pain.
Where we honour our divine connection with nature and the earth as our greatest healers.
Where we’re not always busy, rushing and stressed because we’re juggling between working a job and raising the children we love.
Where exhaustion, overwhelm, depletion and burnout is not the norm, but feeling good, alive, passionate, creative and vital are our default.
Where we can overcome the pressure and strain of survival and move into the ease and gratitude of true abundance, mind, body soul.
Where we consciously heal blocks, limiting beliefs, intergenerational trauma and negative stories that have held you down for so long and in doing cleared the way for the next generation to create their own.
Where you love yourself in such a deep way that your cup overflows and your partner, children and all those who know you feel blessed by your light.
This is the vision I believe in and hold for myself and for Soul Mamas everywhere.
I am honoured to accept my calling to do all that I can to make this vision a reality.

Join the Soul Mama Tribe
I haven’t figured it all out yet. And by no means am I a perfect mum nor do I even strive to be.
What I am is consciously learning, applying and growing my way through this journey.
I share with honesty from all that I’ve overcome so far, that I witness from the mamas I’m privileged to support and I continue to teach as I learn.
With deep care and compassion, I hold space for you to speak your truth, to uncover your own lessons, to tune in to your own womb and heart and to honour the wisdom, power and healing ability you already hold within.
I share the knowledge, tools, rituals and practices that have supported me and many others on this journey and see how you might adapt or even create your own.
In this space, I have supported women who were told they were infertile to conceive, women who were fearful during pregnancy to trust in themselves and their babies, and mamas who were exhausted and struggling, rest and nourish their way to vitality.
Let me help you step into your power.
Work with me
Where are you in your Soul Mama Journey?
Conscious Conception
A holistic approach to consciously prepare your mind, body and soul for the welcoming in of a child.
Sacred Pregnancy & Postpartum
Experience pregnancy and postpartum as conscious and sacred experiences and learn tools and practices to overcome the fear and ascend to new heights.
Soul Mama TRIVE
A holistic journey of transformation from the norm of exhaustion, burnout, and overwhelm to a state of abundant energy flow and vitality.
Work with me
I was blessed to experience a transformative pregnancy and natural birth and thought I’d won. Little did I know my journey had only just begun. Despite all the work I’d already done, the reality of new motherhood felt like being pushed off the edge of a cliff.
I felt alone, overwhelmed, exhausted and unsupported. I was in pain, I struggled to breastfeed and my energy and mood were the lowest they’d ever been. What I now know I needed and what I believe all new mums need at this time is nourishment and support – to be held, honoured and celebrated with ceremony, ritual, warming foods, healing touch, with the love and community of wise women. I grieved the loss of the village and the ancient ways of our indigenous ancestors in place of the nuclear family ideal we’ve been conditioned to aspire to in the west.