Soul Mama THRIVE!


Soul Mama THRIVE! is a journey of transformation from the norm of exhaustion, burnout, and overwhelm synonymous with modern motherhood to a state of energy flow and vitality.

When Motherhood isn’t honoured, we suffer.

Many women struggle to adjust to the overwhelming shifts that Motherhood brings. We are expected to ‘snap back’ and resume life as if nothing has changed and yet everything has.

It can be hard to express just how intense these  pressures can be and yet we put so much effort into trying to prove we have it all together – until something just gives. 

Motherhood as a practice

Maybe you’ve already hit that point, or maybe you’re just tired of being tired all the time.

You aren’t experiencing motherhood the way that you want or expected you would and each day feels like something to endure rather than enjoy.

I’ve been there. By slowing down, going within and honouring what I needed, I was able to move into more energy and joy. In this way Motherhood in all its chaos can become a Spiritual Practice. Let me show you how. 

Are you ready to move out of the autopilot of survival and into  Vitality, Energy and Passion for your life? THRIVE! is for you.

This is for you if:

  • You have a young child or children and haven’t felt whole since birth.
  • Breastfeeding has left you feeling drained and depleted.
  • You wake up tired and feel like you’re walking through life in a fog and spend the day counting down to bedtime.
  • Motherhood feels like a chapter to endure rather than enjoy.
  • You feel stressed and out of balance and you find yourself being short with those around you.
  • You don’t feel like you’re showing up fully for any area of your life and something has to give.


    “In the end, you’re the only one who can give your child a happy, healthy mother who loves life.”

    I will support you to:

    • Pause…Making space and time to slow down and tune in .
    • Make time in your week for regular deep rest and relaxation.
    • Honour your natural rhythms – sleep cycles, menstrual cycles, seasons
    • Rethink the foods you eat and the ways you eat them.
    • Move your body in an intentional way that allows more energy to flow.
    • Create rituals of self-care that suits your needs and lifestyle.
    • Look at how you’re showing up in your relationships – with your children, your partner and yourself.
    What they say



    Working with Nehanda made me stop, sit down and think about me and how I actually feel. I was put first. Nehanda helped me realise instead of just getting through each day, there are ways I can move through life more consciously and blissfully. I had the space to see what I could do for myself to feel good and balanced. I didn’t realise how much I needed it. The tools and practices she shared, I know will be a massive benefit to my life.


    I really enjoyed finding ways to turn my limiting thoughts into positive ones and from there taking aligned actions. I know that my confidence will only continue to grow. I definitely recommend Nehanda as her energy and commitment to helping mothers is genuine. I feel there is a lot of improvement I’ve already had in my life and my overall outlook on my self confidence and self worth. I plan to continue to further align my spirit and my energy.


    Nehanda listens carefully, guides thoughtfully, and adapts her style according to what I needed at the time. My confidence about meditation has also increased significantly. I was surprised at how remarkably calm I felt after an energy healing session with her. Weeks after I still think back to how much I enjoyed being in that deeply relaxed state, and would recommend that as a treat for any mother.


    I’ve achieved so much through the time working with Nehanda. When I started I wanted support with the struggles I was facing regarding my relationship, my self-esteem and confidence. Being a working single mum made it hard to find time to do things for myself.  I now cannot believe the amount of progress I’ve made in a short space of time. I feel like a completely new person, I have much more confidence, I’m not reliant upon others acceptance and approval of me as I once was. I have learnt to prioritise myself and live my life the way I want. I feel I am a warrior and a great mother who can achieve anything I want to.


    I came to Nehanda as a busy mother, emotionally drained with a chaotic mind and have since learnt to navigate through the chaos. The skills I took away with me were invaluable. Using a combination of meditation, breathing techniques, journaling and positive affirmations in an effective way I have found more balance in my life. The chaos doesn’t go away and the emotions are a journey with peaks and troughs but I am much more equipped to find balance through it all and I am much kinder to myself on the days when it’s difficult.


    What it includes

    • Pre-journey questionnaire 
    • 8 x 1 hour weekly coaching sessions online 
    • Soul Mama THRIVE Guided Journal Prompts
    • Soul Mama THRIVE Guided Meditation/Yoga Nidra Recording
    • Soul Mama THRIVE Reading List
    • Post journey check in
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