

Imagine us gathered together, around a fire, connected, supported and held in divine feminine sisterhood. These are the stories we would tell, to help us reassemble the bones of our innate wisdom, reminding us all of our power – to heal, to overcome and to remember who we really are on this sacred journey of Motherhood. Enjoy!

10 Powerful Questions to ask yourself before Trying to Conceive

10 Powerful Questions to ask yourself before Trying to Conceive

I first have to start with the disclaimer to say that I personally find the terminology and language of ‘trying to conceive’ a problematic energetic position to start out with. It has the tendency to keep you in a space of lack, feeling somehow ‘less than’ and can invoke an energy of chasing, reaching or efforting behind it. (I did a whole video about this on my Instagram you can check out here if you want to hear more on this.)  I prefer to use ‘Conscious Conception’ to describe the journey...

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‘The first forty days’ A mothers poem of healing after loss by Eleanor.

‘The first forty days’ A mothers poem of healing after loss by Eleanor.

The first 40 days The ‘first forty days’ have been unexpected, once again. Now they are over And I have started to bleed. My stomach has slowly shrunk Like a forgotten balloon from months ago Crinkly and soft. You are in my thoughts daily, nightly,  In my feelings, my breath. I have seen you in birds, hovering above us, or hopping towards us, tiny and curious, or still. And I have seen you often in the sky; When it’s orange and on fire, or full of pink and purple and golden rushes trickling...

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Navigating the Maiden to Mother Landscape. Guest blog by Omotayo Oakwood

Navigating the Maiden to Mother Landscape. Guest blog by Omotayo Oakwood

I was 16 when I first read ‘Mists of Avalon’by Marion Bradley – a profoundly beautiful and inspiring telling of the King Arthur myth from the perspective of the women surrounding him.  It was my first exposure to the ancient Celtic Goddess-centric form of spirituality and although on first reading I mainly took the story at face value as just another fantasy novel to lose myself in, something of the essence of the tale lit a small and quiet fire in the depths of my teenage heart.  Fast forward...

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Breaking the Cycle of Emotionally Unavailable Mothering – Guest blog by Kheyla Anderson

Breaking the Cycle of Emotionally Unavailable Mothering – Guest blog by Kheyla Anderson

For as long as I can remember, I have always been an over thinker, considering an outcome for every situation and motherhood has just exacerbated the fact. Motherhood for me was never a choice, having children was something I always intended to embark upon at some point in my life. It was always filled with beautiful ideals of family life, heavily influenced by my own childhood. The youngest of three children, my parents have been happily married for over 40 years and in all honesty, not once...

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Decentralised Living – Why we left the city to raise our family in Belize, Guest blog by Asli Mohamed

Decentralised Living – Why we left the city to raise our family in Belize, Guest blog by Asli Mohamed

We decided a few years ago that we were not going to raise our family in a city. I grew up in London and my husband in the USA. After our engagement, we knew we needed to travel as much as possible to decide where would be best for us to raise our family away from the rat race of mainstream society.  Our vision has always been not be tied by money but to lead a holistic life, in every sense of the word. To live a life we didn’t require a holiday from. There will always be challenges in life,...

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“The Great Realisation: My journey through trauma to post-traumatic growth’ by Dionne Anderson

“The Great Realisation: My journey through trauma to post-traumatic growth’ by Dionne Anderson

I didn't know how to explain to people that I didn't enjoy Motherhood. Not in the early days. There are moments, at around three months postnatally, that I held onto in the dark of night. Mentally exhausted by the rocky start we had, not knowing why I'd made this choice when I felt so awful and distant from myself and my partner. I didn't know how long I could keep telling people that I wasn't good. I tried to tell the Community Midwife, I tried to tell the Health Visitor, I tried to tell the...

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Healing through Loss – Guest Blog by Simone Dyer

Healing through Loss – Guest Blog by Simone Dyer

Trigger warning – this article speaks about Still Birth  In 2009, at 29 weeks pregnant my daughter was born still. Never would I have imagined a silence so loud, so deafening. I was 21 years old and newly married. I’d spent months observing and feeling her developing patterns as she grew in the safety of my womb. I was looking forward to birthing my baby and hearing her precious murmurs. Somehow, on a rainy July afternoon, in a brief moment of a few words spoken by a doctor: “I'm so sorry but...

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Ways to Reconnect to our Womb Wisdom

Ways to Reconnect to our Womb Wisdom

The womb is our Root. It is the seat of our creativity and power. It is the portal through which life and creativity flows and it is a gateway for our deepest knowing. Despite the innate, knowledge and wisdom she holds for each of us, many of us (even those of us who may have conceived and had children) can still remain disconnected from our womb. Maybe, we only think of our wombs in relation to our monthly cycles, which through patriarchal conditioning, is often treated as an inconvenient...

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How Homeschooling my son has been a path of awakening for us both. Guest blog by Kelly Sinclair

How Homeschooling my son has been a path of awakening for us both. Guest blog by Kelly Sinclair

Photo Credit:  Khadine Sinclair @wiredtoseephotography  Deep down, I always knew I’d love home-educating my son. What I didn’t know was just how powerful it would be and how transformative it would personally be for me too. My son Luc is 8 years old now and a loving and intelligent boy. Our home-ed journey has truly been filled with beauty, a unique exploration of rhythm and balance, with a growing, deep relationship as a result of me centering my trust in him.  Until recently, educating...

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Breaking the Silence: Why we must talk to our children about sex. Guest blog by Jane Chelliah

Breaking the Silence: Why we must talk to our children about sex. Guest blog by Jane Chelliah

I couldn’t do it. I found it so hard to talk to my teenage daughter about sex that when I was approached to participate in a reality TV show called 'Mums Make Porn' I said yes in the hope that it might jolt me into being open. It worked, but I wish I’d been able to begin that conversation so much earlier. My daughter was 18 by the time I could bring myself to talk to her about sex. Since the show aired last year, I’ve been approached by numerous mothers who tell me that they struggle with the...

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